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Navigating the Holiday Hustle with ADHD

It may be hard to navigate the holiday hustle with ADHD; here are 8 reminders to help you.

1.      Mindset: embrace your strengths, use your skills daily, be curious and learn, and let go of the things that don’t really matter. If you find yourself feeling down, look at how you can change your mindset.

2.      Vision: visualize what you really want to have happen over the holidays, then plan for it, break it down into small tasks, and make it happen. There is power in visualization; we tend to make decisions and take actions that bring our vision to life.

3.      Calendar: use time-blocking to reserve time for work, relaxation, play, or other things you’d like to do. This guides how you end up using your time.

4.      Organization: have one master to-do list that you review daily and pick 5 key actions to do each day. Pick more actions as you complete the set of 5. With one list, it’s easy to keep track of it.

5.      Accountability: have one or two people that you can text or talk to daily, sharing the 5 key actions you’re planning to complete that day. Telling someone you’re going to do something is a great motivator to do it.

6.      Creativity: use your creativity and innovation in both your personal and professional life. Caveat, if you get an inspirational idea to start a project ensure you have enough time to finish it.

7.      Mindfulness: take periodic breaks for deep breathing, taking walks, or meditation. These breaks can help bring the clarity needed to manage the holiday hustle.

8. Seek support: reach out for support when you need it, from colleagues, from professionals, or from family and friends. Ask for what you need to thrive and hopefully, you'll be surprised.

What other reminders do you have for navigating the holiday hustle and thriving in the workplace?

Coach Brieanne

Brieanne YuchaszComment